About Travelling the Road to Self-Mastery on Foot

The contrast between being Aloft with the support of Spiritual Helpers and Sacred Boons versus traveling by foot on the Road to Self-Mastery amidst the -Turbulence on earth is stark.

That is why, as HeartCentred Intuitives™  need 3 Keys to mitigating consequences of our choices.

Self-Love, Determination and Skill keeps us On-Path: consistent with why we were Created, why we Came down to earth at this time, and what we are here to Do without our inner reality swaying us to do otherwise.

Which Path Do You Choose?

The Road to Self-Mastery

Road to Self-Mastery: Navigating the Inner World (Navigating Divine Relationships Book 3)

by Kimber KivaGarden (Author)

What happens if your Journey is on foot

instead of being Aloft

above the -turbulence on earth below?

Kai wants everything he has imagined, but instead of remaining on the path that appeared before him when he met Michaela and chose to accept the Invitation to Navigate Divine Relationships with her: Kai has decided to take another path.

Forsaking Michaela's Air Balloon, Kai must now face the challenges of travelling by foot on the Road to Self Mastery: Navigating the Inner World without his former Connection to the Divine, his Spiritual Helpers, and the Sacred Boons he had Received along the way.

Maybe with the understanding of how to make choices that are in Alignment with his Spiritual Gifts, Kai will Remember how to Remain Aloft so he and Kaela can Journey to Caelum: together.

Discover What Happens When Kai Journeys on Foot





That weekend flew by in a blur of activity and eventfulness.

They picked up where they had left off, before Michaela’s trip to the city to see Malakai. And yet, the pair had not healed what had happened or from what had happened.

That Sunday, two days upon her return Michaela Received a brand-new Gift from Caelum to cement their relationship together. It was an Inspired Inspiration™ for their We-business rooted in the idea that Malakai had originally Intended on moving out to be with her in the country.

It was an addendum to what the couple had already created for his business plan in application to transfer his license.

As always, Michaela committed to it with Intent Intention™: capturing the surplus of Potential Energy that accompanied their idea, to turn it into fruition. The idea captured their imagination as the two began the process of Immaculate Conception. They began, once again, to Dream in a new reality. Still building on the one they had started months ago, that manifested in their joint vision board, the pair merged their ideas into one. Seeing Symmetry, Seeing Possibility, Seeing Potential they allowed the idea to Breathe Life into itself: to Breathe itself into existence.

“Love you,” Malakai had messaged on Dight™. “The plan is amazing. Maybe I can get people to invest in the idea? If not my mother, I can probably get someone else to invest.”

“Two investors! That is even stronger,” Michaela answered.

“Oh, yeah! That is true,” Kai replied.

“It sounds like plans are advancing. It sounds like you are going to be here, by the end of August,” she supposed.

“Yeah,” Malakai agreed. “Or, even before that? Maybe at the beginning of August.”

That was when the unfolding of Michaela’s new joint venture idea would begin.

Thinking about the board she suggested, “That would be cool for you to propose that you have investors in the company and that you would be coming out to the country to meet the distributor.”

“Yeah. Exactly,” Malakai admitted.

“And then, after that, you can report on meeting him, about the plans, and how this aspect of the business works.”

“Yeah. I like that idea. I think it will Fly!”

“Because a visit is different from a transfer. And a visit, with an investor, is certainly a good move,” Michaela stated.

“Yeah. It is very tangible,” Malakai added.

And so, a surge of Divine Energy flowed through them, once again. They were United in purpose and cause. Kai was determined to get Michaela back, and she was willing to give him the chance to make it happen.


What neither of them realized was how cracked the foundation was that they were building upon.

This is the story of their journey on the Road to Self Mastery: Navigating the Inner Reality.

Discover What Happens When Kai  Continues His Journey on Foot


Transformative Learning

Through it all, Kaela maintains her Connection to Caelum as she Receives more Light and Knowledge. Through her even more Divine Emotional Intelligence is Revealed:

I Welcome Transformation!