Learn How to Navigate Through the Storms

As sensitive beings in an insensitive world, we are all faced with choices and decisions that either reinforce our insecurities or our self-confidence.

At times like this, it is when we welcome both human and Divine Spiritual Helpers that we are able to make choices that are in Perfect Alignment with why we were Created, what we came to earth to do while we figure out how to Manifest the Gift we were given at the Inception of our Soul. 

It is when we make the decision to not stand but walk through the Threshold of Caelum that we discover Mysteries and Universal Laws that assist us in living lives as HeartCentred Intuitives™ that See, Hear, Feel, Know and Love the Divine with Courage, Confidence and Grace. 

The Bird of Transformation

The Bird of Transformation: Navigating through the Storm (Journey to Caelum Book 1)

by Kimber KivaGarden (Author)

What would you do,

if suddenly,

you received a Call to Serve? 

That is what happened to Maia. Out of the blue, she Received a Call to Serve. Where she had been Journeying to Caelum with her mentor, Michaela, for some time; suddenly she found herself taking on the role of Kai’s Bird of Transformation!

The problem was, as an INFJ-T, Maia had retained many of the qualities of a -Turbulent HeartCentred Intuitive™: uncertainty, self-consciousness,  and anxiety continued to plague her at times. Mai still had a long way to go become an -Assertive Being who can Hear, See, Feel, Know and Love the Divine with Confidence, Courage, and Grace.

But, Maia doesn’t have to do it alone. She has her Human Spiritual Helper, Michaela, and many unexpected Divine Spiritual Helpers in Caelum.

To do this Maia must transform from an Apprentice to a woman Grounded in her Being with Certainly, Conviction and a Touch of Class.

I want to Experience it My Self 



Restoring Wholeness

July 27, 2020

“I See her again,” Maia began by referring to Michaela's dearly Departed Daughter.

Maia had gone to Michaela, suffering from what many people did: exhaustion with a life of numbing and shielding in a workplace and position that took the life out of her. But Here and Now, one year later, Maia had developed her clairvoyant, claircognitive, clairaudient skills and abilities. It took some time and encouragement, but now Maia was more willing and able to receive Knowledge, Information and Light from the Divine.

There they were, speaking on the phone, one conversation in a sequence of several as a result of what was occurring in Michaela’s life, following that fateful conversation with Malakai.

Summer, her Daughter, had made her Self Known to Maia before. There were several Interactions and Situations where Summer became a prominent feature in the Visions that Appeared in Maia’s Mind’s Eye. What was different this time was that while Michaela journaled, that morning, Summer had revealed that she had been the one Assisting Maia in Receiving the Revelatory Images and Impressions of late.

So, there they were again, on yet another day, with Summer making an appearance.

“Ok, Summer,” Maia began. “Let me talk with you.”

“She just slid off the bench,” Maia narrated, “where She had been sitting cross-legged.” She exhaled deeply. “She is going, ‘You love my mom. Help her. And I am here to Help you Help her.’”

“Whoa!” escaped Maia’s lips in awe with the process and what she was both Receiving and Perceiving. It was all so new to her.

“Talk to me,” Maia continued. “Guide me,” she requested.

“She is such a little version of you,” Maia commented. “But she is not exactly you.”

“Right,” Michaela replied.

“Holy Dinah is she Strong! She is sooo Strong!” Maia Observed. “She is just standing there.”

“Ok, Summer, let her rip, Girl. Tell me what I need…” Maia invited. “Is there something you need to tell your mother? Is there something you need to tell me? What? What? I am open.”

“She sat down. She is sitting down now.”

“Trust,” came the Guidance.

“Trust what?” came the question.

“Trust in the Process,” Maia was told. “Hmmm….” She said Surrendering.

“That is a heavy burden, though,” Maia Replied back.

“No. Ok.” Maia cleared her voice, then laughed. “She gave me a message. ‘You and my mother are Connected. You and my mother have stuff to work out. You and my mother. You and my mother. You and my mother have stuff to work out.”

“What?” asked Maia in confusion. “Ok!” she said Submitting.

“Maybe I need to share more?” Michaela offered.

“She just sat down again, and crossed her arms.”

Kaela took the cue. She Knew her Daughter in Life, and her representation now was fairly consistent with the Strong-Willed, Determined, Self-Directed Being she had come to Know and Love so deeply, so well.

Michaela shared with Maia some of her processes, since the last time they had spoken. She shared how she had been prompted, in the middle of the day, to read something she and Malakai had started writing some time ago. After reading a chapter in Executive EQ[1], prompted by a discussion they had had earlier; Michaela interpolated the model they had been reading about. She transformed the concept by adapting it to address marital issues in the bedroom. Soon after she started writing about the Harnessing Divine Energy Map™. After everything that had happened with Kai during her visit to the city, and the fateful events that followed, Kaela became curious about what Malakai had added, so she had retrieved it to read it again.

“What he added to what I had written was so Strong and Powerful,” Michaela commented. “Where he added paragraphs, I was in awe with what we can create together. What we are doing is sooo amazing!”

“Yeah,” Maia affirmed. Her Perceptions confirmed what Michaela was saying.

“But, then, I found another piece he had been working on. It was about Joy and Vulnerability. There were three different passages, seemingly written at different times,” Kaela commented. “They were:

1.     A Teaching based story,

2.     A paragraph written specifically to me, and

3.     A section written to the reader.”

“It was there that I read the statement written directly to me. Kai had written, ‘I am scared. I actually am worried if I’m strong enough to take care of you because I know there is more work to be done. I have thoughts and fears that I can’t handle it and that I will hurt you, and lose you.’”

This line was very significant because of what Malakai and Michaela had been experiencing, and what had been Revealed by and through Maia in previous conversations.

“Whew!” exhaled Maia. “I just… I just got so much hurt,” she added. “And so much closing of my heart.” Maia shared the physical clairsentient information she was Receiving.

Experience-based empathy filled her being. “I have been there, Malakai,” she said, “I know.”

“I am holding hard on my heart,” she commented about her body language.

Turning to Kaela’s Daughter, a plea escaped Maia’s being, seeking Guidance and Assistance. “Show me what to do. Or help me!” she pleaded. “Is there anything you need to Show us or Reveal to us?” she Asked.

“It will come when it comes,” Came the Reply.

“Thank you!” a curt response came from Maia. “Sh*t!” she exclaimed as she slapped her hand on her thigh.

The roughness of Maia’s character came out in moments like this, when she felt intense emotions or was overwhelmed. The tough exterior she had adopted when she was living a life of numbing and shielding - in a workplace and position that took the life out of her - sharply contrasted with who she had become through Michaela’s Guidance: as a HeartCentred being.

As a result, Michaela’s Daughter had been Teaching and Educating Maia about how to communicate with those in Spirit, in her own Gift of God’s Eyes kind of way.

So, Michaela Knew. She Understood. It was important for Maia to learn how to Grant Permission to Deity – through her Daughter - to provide Divine Assistance, Intervention and Guidance. And, what they had been Told was what they had been Experiencing. The Process was organic. Trusting the Process meant both Allowing and Accepting what was to come. Using an example from the evening before, Kaela expanded. “Last night you Saw me. Summer didn’t have to intervene. You just Saw me. You Saw me smiling. You Saw Malakai being sheepish. Then you Saw him smiling too.”

“Yes,” Maia confirmed. “He is not happy right now,” she commented. Images were beginning to form before her once again.

“He is not?” Kaela inquired. Out of nowhere, a doorway had appeared.

“That is all I see. He is not happy,” she Observed.

“What is he, if he is not happy?” Kaela asked knowing a whole gammed of emotions were at his disposal.

“Sad,” she replied as if that were the only answer. “He’s shut down,” she added, “to a certain extent.”

“Totally?” Kaela inquired.

“No,” she replied.

“What does he need?” Michaela asked.

“I don’t know,” she replied. “But, to me, what he is doing is very familiar. It is very familiar to me. And what you did for me - and I am going to say to me - was to poke and prod into my Being to wake me up from the state of being he is in now.”

“So,” Michaela reflected back. “He is in a sad state. He is shutting down. What does he need?” She asked rhetorically. A thought came to her that had come to her earlier that day. She wondered if they could apply that same Skill that they had Applied in the past – together - to this very situation.

“Do you remember, there was an image that had been haunting you for some time, and that I Guided you through a process of Transforming it?” Michaela inquired. It had happened several times, but she was thinking of one situation in particular.

The memory came back to Michaela, of a time very early in their relationship. Maia was a new client she had met at one of her speaking engagements. The woman, despite her shyness and trepidation, approached her at the end of the presentation: seeking Support and Guidance.

Although Maia had met with many therapists and healers of various modalities the crust that had formed around her heart,  as a result of the numbing and shielding she had adopted, remained a constant. Determined to turn things around, Maia began her one-on-one sessions with Michaela in earnest. It was during one of these sessions that she told Maia about an image that had repeatedly come up in her sessions: a highly self-depricating image.

Michaela would have nothing to do with supporting and sustaining that thoughtform. Determined to Transform and Transmute it, she Invited Maia to describe the image to fully understand the meaning embedded within the symbolism. Then, she led Maia though a process of turning the still image into a moving picture. Guiding the visualization Michaela brought Maia to a state of Reconsilation and Peace. The symbol had been Resolved and Released; a new symbol remained in its stead.

A mere one week later, and another reoccuring image was presented. This time Maia spoke about being stuck in a corner: the corner of a brick wall. There was no was to escape what had become her destiny. And so, Michaela Guided the Process of Transformation once again.

“It was then that you had the vision of the wall: when you felt trapped in a corner of a brick wall. Together we Transformed that image into one of Freedom and Empowerment? Do you remember that?”

“Yes. Yes,” Maia remembered. “A bird came through a window,” she added. “I have drawings of that,” she shared.

“I would like you to revisit Malakai in the state that he is in. The intent is to explore: to see if the Transformation process can occur here too. If we are to help him, we need to Discover: how does that happen? What does he need?”

“I just See him now, in that corner,” she Revealed.

“What corner?”

“The bottom of the brick wall. And there is no window up there,” Maia Observed.

“Expand your vision out, so that you can see that the brick wall is just a corner,” Michaela Guided.

“Yeah!” she exclaimed. “That is what I am Seeing. I am Seeing him from the perspective of that little bird that had come to me when I was in the exact same place. I am the bird. There is a window up there,” she corrected the Image adding details from this new Perspective. “I can See…. I think I am going to cry now. I can See him. He is a tiny little boy: frightened and trapped. And I can See me, a small bird, showing him how to Transform. Fly up.”

Maia took a deep breath before beginning a process of channelling Light and Knowledge about what was happening for him/ to him internally.

“He needs to Know that … whew… he is Powerful. He is Magical. And he is not ‘less-than’. He is not what people think he is or see as a weakness. He thinks he is weak because he cares, he loves. He is not. That is his Strength. He doesn’t believe it because people have told him otherwise, have taught him otherwise, have brought him up otherwise: culturally.”

Strength and Power came through Maia as she spoke at a quickened rate with vehemence, passion and conviction. Something or someone had Taken-Over her, using her vocal cords to express Their Thoughts, “Auhhh. Woah!”

Maia paused. “He is not who they said he was, and who he really is … is Powerful and yet it is not power over. Malakai has Power. And, he’s ... it isn’t the strength as in the physical. It is the Core: who he is at his Core, the blueprint of his Soul. He does not perceive that as a Strength or something to Aspire to, and yet he does.”

“It is almost like, ummm. He is different. He is Powerful in a different way. And yet it is not what he is ‘supposed to be’ just like the rest of us empaths.”

“And that struggle is within him,” she continued, “to be who he thinks he should be, or who he really is <- and embrace that totally.”

A noticeable shift occurred in Maia as she was restored back to her own perceptions. “I have done that. I am like that. I am not who I am ‘supposed to be.’ We are here for a Purpose. And it is not easy or comfortable. And a lot of times we just want to go home.”

“It is hard for a man – I believe – to be doing what he has been doing and show vulnerability and be open so that what he feels is exposed: to ridicule, to shame. And yet, he Feels so deeply and … wow! It is causing him a lot of anger and anguish.”

“Summer, Help me here,” she Requested.

Summer replied, “Mom needs to go through this.”

Michaela Understood immediately. This wasn’t just about her and Malakai. It was about the clearing they were doing in the collective consciousness and unconsciousness about what it means to be a man. And Michaela was an essential part of midwifing Malakai through his own process of re-birth.

“Why?” Maia demanded.



“It is something to do with … wow, my throat just closed … it is almost because … woah… it is not what I thought… it was not what I got from Her until She Explained.”

“It is not that you need to go through it because you believe others have not gone through it. You need to go through it to actually help other people – more.”

“Ok, Summer. Your mom has gone through so much helping people. And they have dissed her. They have …”

“That is what mom has to go through,” She Reiterated.

“Oh, and she will come out of it… whoa…. What Summer just said to me is what I have said to you.”

“Mom will come out of this as a huge impact on the world,” Summer Revealed with laughter. She was clapping.

“That is what I have been Understanding, from what I read in the books that Malakai and I have started writing, and what he has been writing on his own. We can Heal it so we can teach other people too. But, how do we Heal it? What is the next step?” Kaela asked not knowing the answer.

“Yeah,” affirmed Maia. “I don’t know.”

“Can you go back to Malakai?” Michaela Guided.

“Ok. Ok. I am Seeing him right now. He is rigid, right now. That is what I am Seeing. His whole body is like he is a statue.”

“My whole body just contracted,” Maia shared her physical empathic experience.

“Can you transform him into a little boy?” Michaela probed.

“Yes,” came the reply.

“The little boy will talk to you,” Michaela Shared.

“That was…” Maia began. “This is hard,” she admitted. “This is really hard.” She emphasized the word hard.

“Yes,” Kaela affirmed. “I agree,” she said as her voice softened.

“Ohh. Ok. He doesn’t have a little goatee. His hair is longer. And I am rubbing his head.”

“Ok,” Michaela Tapped into the situation. “Can you give him Love? Give him a hug?”

“I am,” she replied. “I am rubbing his head.”

“He needs to cry,” Michaela commented.

“He does…. Actually, what he needs to do is pound his fists on the floor and have a tantrum.”

“Ok,” Michaela Followed. “Ok. Tell him that.”

“Malakai,” she said, “You need to express… the sadness, the anger… and the loss… the loss of love/Love.”

Thinking of her Daughter, Summer, at five years of age, Michaela Suggested, “The ground is soft. It is a pillow.”

“Ok. He has climbed on the pillow and he is pounding on that thing.”

“Good boy,” Michaela encouraged. “Good boy.”

“But he has to be quiet. He can’t scream or yell,” Maia shared.

“No, no, it is ok to yell,” Michaela encouraged.

“He can… he can… oh my gosh ... there is sooo much pain.”

“It is ok. He can jump up and down.”

“There is soo much hurt,” Maia began to engage emotionally empathically with the little boy before her.

Michaela cautioned Maia, “Avoid getting into the emotional storm with him. You won’t be able to Guide and Assist him.”

“I am not! I am not!” she confirmed.

Michaela nodded her head. “Tell him he can jump up and down. Tell him he can scream… tell him…”

“Malakai, Malakai, Malakai…”

Maia made an executive decision of her own. “Ok. I am moving him over here, to my couch, beside me, so that he can pound the heck out of it.”

“And he can scream to his heart's content and he can just sob or be as violent as he needs to. He can pummel. Pummel the couch.”

“Tell him he is a good boy. Tell him he is a good boy,” it was so important to Michaela that Little Malakai Understand that it is okay for him to express his emotions – all that energy – in a healthy way that doesn’t harm anyone.

“Ok,” Maia centred her Self with her breath.

“Malakai, it is ok. It is ok. It is ok. You are a really good boy. I Love you. I Love you. You are a good boy.”

“No, I am not,” came the reply filled with frustration, anger, tears and belittlement.

“You are,” Maia Countered. “He doesn’t believe me,” she said turning back to the conversation with Michaela.

“It is okay. It is okay. It is okay. You are a good boy. I need to touch you. I need to rub your back and calm you. Can I rub your back? Because you are distraught. And it is ok. Do you want me to hold you? Do you want me to hug you? What do you need? It is okay. You are beautiful. You are beautiful and you are safe. Do you want to be in my lap? It is ok.”

Michaela could Sense what Maia was doing, attempting to Heal his wounds with Love. And, she could Sense Little Malakai’s resistance to this stranger woman.

A boy and his dog came to my mind. “Where is his puppy?” Michaela asked. “Does he know where his puppy is?” She Saw him being licked by an exuberant little black puppy, giggling and laughing.

“His puppy?” Maia asked. “Where is your puppy, Malakai?”

The boy looked around. Where was his puppy?

“You have a puppy? What kind of puppy?” Maia asked “Where is he? Do you want your puppy? It is okay. It is okay.”

“What is your puppy’s name?” Michaela asked.

“What is your puppy’s name?” Maia echoed. “Where is it, do you want it with you?”

“What is his puppy’s name?” Maia asked Kaela.

Michaela had no idea and told her so.

“Summer, can you bring the puppy?” Michaela asked.

“Whew!” Maia exhaled. “He is looking up. He is looking around. Where is my puppy?”

“You need to bring it in,” Michaela Guided.

“I can’t pronounce…” Maia said with a little giggle. “He is really little…. It is Ok. It is Ok, Malakai. He is with you now. You are holding him. You’ve got your puppy.”

“Peppy,” Maia corrected how she said his name.

“Puppy loves you,” Michaela Guided.

“Yeah,” she said to me, “but I have to apologize for laughing at his puppy’s name.”

It worked. Little Malakai was letting Love into his Heart once again.

“He is kinda sniffling now. And, it is like, Ok, you have your Peppy. Peppy loves you.”

“You are a good boy,” Michaela Affirmed.

“And you care for your Peppy so much. And he is with you. He will be with you always,” Maia added of her own accord.

“And he will Protect you,” Michaela Encouraged, “so you don’t have to protect your Self.”

“Yeah!” Maia breathed out.

“He is going to keep all the bad people away,” Michaela Suggested.

“Whew!” Maia exhaled.

“And he is a Magical puppy, and he is never going to get hurt when he goes into a fight to Protect you,” Michaela Added.

“Yup,” Maia got silent. She allowed Michaela to speak directly to the boy, as if he could hear her as easily as she could.

“You don’t have to do any fighting,” Michaela Instructed.

“Yeah,” Maia whispered. “You’ve got Protectors,” she added. “And you don’t have to.”

Reacting to Maia’s Suggestion Michaela expanded, “Bring the Angels in.”

“And you have Angels,” Maia shared her voice expressing awe entwined with surprise.  “And guides and…”

“No,” Michaela stopped her. “Just bring in the angels. Just a few at a time. It will be too overwhelming,” she Counselled.

“Okay, okay,” she submitted to that suggestion.

“Malakai, your Angels are here now,” she announced softly. “Michael is here for sure.”

“I just Saw,” Maia explained, “Malakai’s eyes widen and open up.”

“I See Michael coming down, and bending down, and coming to say, ‘Hi!’ to him,” Michaela Revealed to her.

“Yeah!” Maia affirmed. “And the little boy is just wide-eyed.”

“See his sword?” Michaela asked still talking to Little Malakai.

“Swoosh,” came out of Maia’s lips.

“See Michael’s sword?” Michaela asked again. “Michael is there to Protect you so you don’t have to.”

“Yeah,” Maia chimed in as if we were having a three-way conversation.

“All the time,” Michaela added.

“And… and… and… it is like,” Maia explained what she was Seeing in the little boy before her.

“Seriously? Really?” Little Malakai asked.

“It is like … whoooo… a weight dropped,” Maia described what she Witnessed in his being. The weight and burden of having to protect himself sluffed off his being. Immediately Kaela thought about the story of one of Malakai’s past-lives that had been Revealed to her previously where Malakai - as a little boy, at the tender age of five years old - had witnessed his loved ones being attacked. He had been in hiding and came out to fight. That moment in time initiated his need to self-protect. Yet, at this moment, the internal war that happened as a result of having to fight for himself- that began at such a tender age - lifted off his shoulders. He was Released and Relieved of the suffering associated with being a warrior – defending his Self – from such a tender age.

“Wow!” she shared. “He was a scared little boy,” Maia surmised.

“Yup,” Michaela affirmed. “He needs a female Angel to appear now, to Love him now.”

“Gabrielle?” Maia offered.

“I See him, the little boy, wide-eyed with awe. He can See them so clearly. He is not afraid.”

“I am going to cry,” Maia admitted.

“These are your people,” Michaela Reminded. “This is your Family.”

“I had no idea,” Little Malakai responded to what he was Witnessing.

“There is skepticisms,” Maia Observed. “And yet, whewww… Ummm… feeling… safe… no not safe yet…. More Loved.”

“He feels Loved,” she concluded.

“He needs a female to come out of the group,” Michaela Reminded.

“Yeah,” Maia affirmed.

“He needs a female, though,” Michaela added. She Knew and Understood he Needed the Protective energy of a Father and the Loving energy of a Mother.

“He needs a female to come and Love him.”

“Yes,” Maia agreed, explaining what she Saw.

“He has got Michael. And he’s got Peppy and he’s got Gabrielle. He is in awe that these Beings would come to him,” she Observed.

“There is a sense of relief and release of... of fear… of danger…,” she Commented. “And he’s got Protection. He’s got Love.”

“Good,” Michaela affirmed. This is where he needed to be: feeling Safe and Secure in the Arms of the Angels – both male and female. Feeling Loved and Comforted, he was in a place and space to receive even more.

With the application of Love, it was time for the Healing.

“There is a movie screen that just opened up,” Michaela Guided once more.


“And on the movie screen, it is his life. It is all of his lives. It is playing in front of him. At first, he does not See Them, but then he can See the Angels Protecting him and Loving him.”

“Yes,” Maia affirmed what she was Seeing.

“He can See Michael’s sword. He can See his Peppy fighting for him. He can See his Guardian Angel – and Gabrielle – Loving him. And all the scenes where he felt alone and like he had to fight: all those scenes are different now.”


“He is watching it,” Michaela continued. “And he is watching himself grow up. And he is watching him go through another life. And again. And again.”

Maia sighed.

“The Angels are always with him. Michael is always with him. So is Gabrielle. His Guardian Angel is always with him. His puppy is always with him. He is always safe. He is always Protected. He is always Loved. He never has to protect himself, because he is always Protected.”

“And there is no lashing out,” Maia Observed, “there is no fight, there is no…feist.”

“The warrior does not always have to be at war,” Maia suggested, “within or without.”

Catching on, Michaela Remembering what she had seen the first time she had learned about Little Malakai. Kaela had Witnessed a Darth Vader® type character leave his body.  With this Recall, Michaela Added, “The Warrior steps out his body. The Warrior shakes his hand.”

“Oh my gosh!” Maia exclaimed.

Michaela paused.

“I just saw that!” Maia said in absolute amazement. “Sh*t!”

“The Warrior gives him a big hug. He says goodbye. He doesn’t need him anymore because the Angels are here now,” Michaela Offer.

“This big, badass warrior,” Maia began describing what she Saw, “steps out and says, ‘I did what I could. And my apologies. But you are safe now. I had to be here. Now I am going off, and you don’t need me. I did what I could.”

“Whoa!” Maia exclaimed. “And I can See him! I can See him shaking hands. The Warrior hugs him, walks away and says, ‘Okay, Michael, Gabrielle, Ariel, whoever else…”

“He is your charge now,” Michaela Offered.

“Whoa!” Maia exclaimed. “There is a movie running in my head right now!”

“I Know,” Michaela soothingly affirmed. “I Know. It is Beautiful, isn’t it?”


“Welcome to my reality, Maia.”

“It is sooooo….”

“There is a celebration,” Michaela Added. “There are streamers coming down. There are balloons. There is ice cream. There is cake…”

Maia added, “It’s kinda like… it’s dancing! And everybody is… there is music playing. There is dancing and there are acrobatic things and there’s Free-flowing lots and lots of water and tea and really good food. It is a huge celebration! Wow!”

The celebration could continue without them. The trio was not done yet. They still had to connect the dots to the present, to the man Malakai has become in this incarnation.

“Now have Malakai grow up to the man he is in the Here and Now, while remaining there, at that moment in time.

“Yeah,” the word escaped Maia’s lips as if an exhale.

“Actually, for a moment, he was lying down on the ground because he was so… there was a sense of loss for a short bit.”

“That was a part of me for so long,” Little Malakai grieved.

“Michael, or whoever else it was, Ariel or Gabrielle? I am not sure.” Maia continued to describe her Observations. “I can See them sitting beside him.”

Little Malakai is laying on the ground going, “Now what?’ I lost my warrior. I lost my ….”

ArchAngel Michael says, “Are you kidding me? No! You have not lost you have gained something even stronger within you: Knowing that I am here, Knowing you don’t have to fight.”

“Faith. Trust. Security,” Michaela Offered.

“Trust,” Maia repeated. “Yeah!”

“I am opening my eyes now;” Maia explained. “I am in my living room now.”

Speaking to Malakai, in Spirit, she began, “You, Malakai. You are Whole. You are Safe. There is nothing wrong with you. You are a Whole Being, in a body on earth right now. And you came here. You signed up for this. And, you also have Angels with you!”

“Yeah, they will be with you always in all ways, as long as you are here, in this body, on this planet. And you are Loved. You are deeply Loved. You are Love!”

“And it is okay,” Michaela Interjected, “for a man to cry. It is ok for a man to be vulnerable, to be open, and soft and gentle: angelic.

“Yeah,” Maia exhaled. “All of what Kaela just said.”

“It is Beautiful.”

“It is Valuable.”

“It is the way it needs to be. It is so honoured.”

“It is what you get to teach others. Other men, in particular, and whoever crosses your path who is open to awakening to this,” Maia added.

“Another movie just opened up,” Michaela shared. “And it is the earth. There are men all over the earth. They are being transformed into Gentleness and Love. And you are doing that. You are Showing them all how to be a Healed Whole Gentle Angelic Being.”

“Yeah,” Maia added. “That is your mission.”

“Can you See that?” Michaela asked.

“And you Know, you Know how to do this. You do!” Maia Shared.

“You have to let people help you,” Michaela said referring to her Self but knowing there were/are so many more.

“Yeah,” Maia exhaled once again.

“Did we just do what I think we just did?” Maia asked.

“What is happening to him now?” Michaela asked before the pre-mature closure on what was happening. They were not done yet.

“I am taking my dog to bed right now,” Maia narrated on Malakai’s behalf. “I want to… I need to take my dog, and hug my dog, and love my dog… and just feel Loved.”

“And then I see him. He stopped being a little boy. He is now an adult.”

“The little boy was holding his dog and saying, ‘I feel Safe. I feel Comforted. I feel Loved.’”

Maia countered, “The movie zoomed forward. In this scene, Malakai is waking up, and I don’t mean just from a sleep. He is struggling, and yet, with a different sense of who he is.”

“It is still new. It is still ... help me here Summer ...”

“He doesn’t believe … and yet, the Angels are with him. He Feels a different sense of Peace.”

Hearing this disbelief, Michaela began another Transformation process. “The disbelief turns to bubbles that Ascend in the air, and the Angels gather them and take them to Transmute them to the Light.”

“Yeah! Yeah!” came the affirmational words from Maia’s mouth.

“All the disbelief, any residual anger, fear, resentment… anything…. Just out of him like bubbles,” Michaela closed.

“Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.” Maia confirmed. “Wow!” she said once again.

“What is this?” Malakai asked.

“It doesn’t matter,” Maia Instructed. “It is Open. Open. Open. Open way of being as opposed to being the locked, the guarded, the fighter, the warrior, the worrier. Wow!”

“Wsheww!” Maia exclaimed. “That is interesting.”

Again, they were not done yet. “There is a shower of Golden Light coming down on him. A shower of Golden Sparkles. It is coming down on him and washing him Clean. It is giving him a Glow.”

“Hmmm.” Maia shared. “I can actually See that.”

Michaela nodded to her Self. “It is going into all of his Being until his eyes are Sparking.”

“I actually See an angelic smile on his face,” Maia Added. “He is still asleep,” she Reported. “And there is an angelic smile. And he is… it is like his whole being is Open or Opening. I just See him... He is just… He has rolled over and … it is a dream to him.”

“His puppy is there,” Michaela was drawing to a close.

“Yeah,” Maia Observed.

“And there is a continual perpetual shower of Golden Light above his bed. It rains gold light onto him.”

Michaela paused.  “His puppy is there. He goes everywhere with him.”

“And so are the Angels,” Maia Added.

“And so are the Angels,” Michaela echoed.

“Yeah,” Maia affirmed.

“I see them playing cards,” Michaela Shared with a laugh.

Maia laughed out loud! “Crazy Eights! Go Fish!” Then she added, “They probably just draw Angel Cards!”

Maia and Michaela laughed. Comic relief was very welcome at that moment in time.

Sweeping everything one last time Michaela asked, “Is there anything else we need to do with this picture, Summer? Is there anything we need to do with this Healing?”

The answer came immediately to her mind. “We need to seal it. How do we seal it?” Michaela Asked her Daughter in Heaven.

Maia replied on her behalf, “Ask mom. Ask mom.”

Instantly, as she Heard her Daughter’s Reply, Michaela answered her own question. “It is in the Celestial Records. It needs to be sealed in the Celestial Records.”

“Everything we just created is in the Celestial Records as a permanent record, for Malakai, in all directions of time and for all eternity,” Michaela Declared.

“And so it is,” Maia said. “And it is so.”

A stamp appeared before Michaela’s eyes, in Malakai’s Celestial Record. Signed, Sealed, Delivered by the Divine.

“There is a stamp,” Michaela Shared.

Kaela asked her Daughter once last time. “Is there anything else we need to do on behalf of Malakai?”

“Well, you guys did pretty good, for old folk,” Maia teased as if Summer would say that. But, she did not. “No,” Maia corrected. “She said, that was pretty Beautiful!”

“I Know. Thank you,” Maia spoke directly to Michaela’s Daughter in Spirit. “You are amazing. You are an amazing Being. Thank you for Talking with me.”

“Is there anything we need to do for Malakai?” she Reiterated.

“Or for us?” Michaela added.

“Yes,” Maia replied, still Conversing with Michaela’s Daughter in Heaven. “I am going to bed soon.”

“Just keep loving…” Maia echoed the words she was Receiving. “Just keep Loving and Being and Holding Space and … yeah.”

“That is all she has to say to me,” Maia concluded.

“That was pretty amazing,” Maia affirmed. “And yet you Guiding me helps me to actually stay in the Experience.” She continued, “Yeah, that was … so amazing … just to do this. So, thank you. Yeah. Yeah.”

Maia began to speak to Kaela’s Daughter, on her own behalf, once more. Suddenly Maia’s Husband appeared before her, the second time that evening.

Michaela smiled. She Loved how the Divine worked. It was Maia’s Husband that had shared a Vision with her, for her, to Thank her for working with Maia <- communicating his Undying Love for her. And here it was, that Maia was being gifted a Vision of her Husband by way of Thanking her for providing the Healing for Michaela and Malakai.

“I feel warm all over,” Maia had admitted when her husband first appeared earlier in the evening. Tears appeared in her eyes. Tears of Love and Devotion. “He also said, ‘I love you,’” she shared.

The Divine has a miraculous way of expressing Gratitude when we are in alignment - manifesting our Divine Gifts - expressing our Infinite Individual Worth on behalf of our Selfs, our Loved ones and all of humanity.

I want to Experience it My Self 


[1] Cooper, R., & Sawaf, A. (1997). Executive EQ: Emotional Intelligence in Leadership & Organizations (First Edition, First Printing ed.). Putnam Adult.


Transformative Learning

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